Thursday, June 2, 2011

its magic.

Its almost seven o'clock at night on June 2nd & I have finally decided to take the time to sit down, relax, and write out my new adventures that have taken place recently. First off, I now reside in Orlando, Fl for the second time in my life. This move has flowed a bit easier than the last. I'm enrolled in a College Program Alumni Internship at The Walt Disney World Resort and my role is a "Mousekeeper" aka Housekeeper @ The Animal Kingdom Lodge, one of Disney's "Four Star" diamond rated resorts. And although the word housekeeper brings visions of CODE-V (vomit) & crazed children to mind, this resort has something more spectacular.

I will give you a little peek into my daily activities at work. First @ Eight in the morning we like to start out with a meeting in this average sized room with chairs lined wall to wall and a coffee machine, in the corner, for the caffeine addicts. The managers talk to us about this & that and we listen to their rants and praises three times, each time in a different language. After chatting & sometimes dancing with the Haitians, we all receive our "boards." The board is our sidekick/map/bible for the day, it tells us where to go & what to do. A normal board will consist of 16-18 rooms, a mixture of checkouts/linen changes/&occupied rooms. This is where the extraordinary part takes place...while your walking along, knocking on guest's doors & answering questions such as "What time is the two o'clock parade?" You just look to your right and "BAMM" a baby giraffe is standing right in front of you. The only thing between its world & yours is a simple glass window. AMAZING. You can now look to your left and you'll see a group of zebras & maybe an ostrich. This is why I love my job and probably why I can't seem to finish all my rooms by the end of the day.

Present Job= Mouskeeper

Future Job = Rosetta, one of Disney's Fairies