Wednesday, June 6, 2012

life of a model.

So the other day Coty & I were hair models for Rusk @ the Hair convention in Orlando. Let me start by saying this experience was one of the best days of my life. Not only did I get to spend an entire day being "renovated" by beauticians but I spent the entire day with my <3. I feel as though we hardly spend enough quality time together because we are stuck in a routine BUT this day kicked me into a new dimension. I'm so glad I made this experience happen! Even without a car & your ride bailing on you, I truly believe you can make anything happen.
Thank you Rusk for our amazing new hairstyles!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Question's to myself.

What if...
I ran away. Would my life be different?
I kept quiet, & followed your orders. Would I survive?
I changed the past. Would the present be better?
I hadn't met you. Where would I be?

Something is missing & I don't spy a light at the end of a tunnel.
I just dont know what to do anymore & I feel as though time is running up.
Tick tock.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

its magic.

Its almost seven o'clock at night on June 2nd & I have finally decided to take the time to sit down, relax, and write out my new adventures that have taken place recently. First off, I now reside in Orlando, Fl for the second time in my life. This move has flowed a bit easier than the last. I'm enrolled in a College Program Alumni Internship at The Walt Disney World Resort and my role is a "Mousekeeper" aka Housekeeper @ The Animal Kingdom Lodge, one of Disney's "Four Star" diamond rated resorts. And although the word housekeeper brings visions of CODE-V (vomit) & crazed children to mind, this resort has something more spectacular.

I will give you a little peek into my daily activities at work. First @ Eight in the morning we like to start out with a meeting in this average sized room with chairs lined wall to wall and a coffee machine, in the corner, for the caffeine addicts. The managers talk to us about this & that and we listen to their rants and praises three times, each time in a different language. After chatting & sometimes dancing with the Haitians, we all receive our "boards." The board is our sidekick/map/bible for the day, it tells us where to go & what to do. A normal board will consist of 16-18 rooms, a mixture of checkouts/linen changes/&occupied rooms. This is where the extraordinary part takes place...while your walking along, knocking on guest's doors & answering questions such as "What time is the two o'clock parade?" You just look to your right and "BAMM" a baby giraffe is standing right in front of you. The only thing between its world & yours is a simple glass window. AMAZING. You can now look to your left and you'll see a group of zebras & maybe an ostrich. This is why I love my job and probably why I can't seem to finish all my rooms by the end of the day.

Present Job= Mouskeeper

Future Job = Rosetta, one of Disney's Fairies

Thursday, February 17, 2011

To you.

This being my first blog and all I believe that it would only be polite to just catch up. So here are the basic facts and a list of my favorites.
Things I love

raspberry crepes on my birthday
 waking up with sunshine pouring all over my bedroom
lavender&vanilla fabric softener
clean sheets and warm clothing right out of the dryer
days everything goes perfect
the smell of coffee
meaningful compliments
umbrellas in the rain
new york city
belting out songs from the 90’s
making someone laugh
studying for a test
swinging on swings and closing my eyes
the perfect pair of jeans
having a water fight in your driveway
talking to strangers
learning something new
water polo
improving faults
playing cross-country spoons with competitive people
going for a drive with your feet out the window
songs that remind you of someone you like
green trees
trampolines with ben&jerry
star gazing
giving kisses
taking pictures
drinking martinellis and pretending im drunk
being spontaneous
meeting new people
planning my wedding
harry potter
playing school
naming my future kids
theme parks
the butterflies when you go down the rollercoaster
watching old movies and making fun of them
seeing yourself in the newspaper
that acceptance letter from college
getting a solo out of 70 people
being comfortable around someone
talking about feelings
getting dressed up
being told your beautiful
walking around like a dork
riding bikes& picking berries on your way to the park
rolling down hills
watching a soccer game
old music
walking across railroad tracks
jumping off a 40ft cliff into a lake
25cent lemonade stands
love poems
apple juice
celtic women
leather seats
inky pens
as hot as they go showers
jessica simpson stilettos
 vs sweatpants
burts bees chapstick
clubbing in london
boys in trucks
thumb rings
carmel beach
sweet shops
the zoo
christmas songs
working out
putting the top down and blasting music
boys who care
telling the truth
staying out late
movies that have meaning
elementary school
road trips
keeping secrets
laughing so hard you cant breathe
vitamin water
prada perfume
mint&rosemary body wash
romantic getaways
bonfires on the beach
finding money in my pocket
following rainbows
being content
my friends
sloppy joes
creamy custard&blushing apple candles
big sunglasses
black cats
 sweet cinnamon pumpkin lotion
dove shampoo and conditioner
making faces
déjà vu
not judging
leona lewis
freckles :D
chocolate chips
my sidekick
finishing school
harrods, London
paying tithing
colorful cds
the smell of bonfires
aloe vera
pride & prejudice

Because sentences can hardly cover emotion this is my list of joy. So this goes out to YOU, the one who lives through other peoples heartache, success, embarrassment, & love.